
Breviter is an an interactive dataset containing medieval Latin abbreviations.
A substantial number of these abbreviatons come from Adriano Cappelli's Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane (1899) and from Auguste Pelzer's Supplément (1964). The data was first processed, checked and corrected where needed by Mihai Maga. Each entry was compared, corrected, filled in where missing and validated by Mădălina Gabriela Pantea using the printed editions. Further entries were added by the members of the RISE project (Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0064 The Rise of an Intellectual Elite in Central Europe: University of Vienna 1389-1450, and the DEBATE project (IRHT-CNRS, ERC-Consolidator-771589 Innovation as Performance in Late-Medieval Universities,
In its current state, the app is experimental, incomplete and unstable. Further work should be done to rewrite the code, to reconstruct the model, and to re-check the entries. For now, the development is halted due to insufficient funding. Use it on your own risk. The offline app (for Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS) was taken offline due to security concerns.
unavailable for now
Feature | Details |
Abbreviations with images and information | Each abbreviation has an image and specific information (textual representation of the abbreviated form, expanded word or words, source, usage, language, period, user who edited it). |
Browse the entries | Use alphabetical labels on top of the results. |
Search | Use multifunction search box on top. Supports wildcards (?*), minims (!), end delimiter (|), superscript letters ([…]), regular expressions (/…/), searching for expanded or abbreviated forms or both, strict and loose modes. |
Filters for results | Filter results by period, language, abbreviation source, or who updated it. |
Auto update | Synchronize the abbreviations database with the server periodically. |
Authorized users | User accounts provide access to edit functionality. |
Adding and modifying abbreviations | Authenticated users can add new entries using a form and a basic image editor to adjust the pictures, and can also modify existing entries. |
Games | Play one of the two games to guess and learn abbreviations. |
Settings | Adjust the appearence and the synchronization interval. |